Please do not book a GP appointment or attend your GP Practice if you have symptoms associated with coronavirus including a new continuous cough and a high temperature. Click here for further information.  All appointments booked at BEDOC will be telephone triaged before you are invited to attend the surgery. There are no walk in appointments available. Contact your own surgery to book an appointment.

Network Multidisciplinary Service

 Primary Care Networks consist of a grouping of GP practices within a coherent geographical area, covering a patient population of 30 - 50,000 people. The Network Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meetings are a part of Bedfordshire's Clinical Commissioning Group's Primary Care Strategy, working in partnership with other local organisations to deliver place-based care through Primary Care Networks. The meetings are designed to bring together key partners within primary, secondary, and social care to discuss the needs and requirements of individual patients. BEDOC has been contracted to arrange and manage these meetings on behalf of the Networks. 

These meetings are only one element of the wider Multidisciplinary Approach in Bedfordshire which seeks to deliver a more integrated and joined up model of care to its population.  BEDOC also support the Primary Care Networks by providing the services of additional roles to enhance the service that is offered to the patient.
